Newsletter 02/16

The Connecticut Dahlia Society

February 2016 Newsletter


Meeting Date:   Sunday, February 14, 2016

Time:                    1:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting, this is open to any interested

                               2:00 pm Business Meeting

Place:         Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Avenue, Waterbury

President’s Message:

January has again been warmer than usual and with little snow perhaps this will be a winter like 2015 when we had our coldest and snowiest winter in February? Whatever we get in the way of weather, I hope that you are already planning your 2016 gardens. We have ordered some great varieties for our Root Sale on April 24th so we expect to see all of you then. The society has made a change in the price of the roots this year and raised the price to $5.00 for every root.

I think it will be of interest to all of you that we have a new dahlia society forming in Massachusetts. It will be the second society in MA to the Provincetown MA Dahlia Society. The new society that will become an ADS affiliated society will be known as the “New England Dahlia Society” the naming implying that they hope to attract members from many of the surrounding states. It is centered in the Worcester area and will hold its first show at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston. The date of their first show will be on the date that the MIDS has vacated this year, September 17 & 18th. I have offered our support to help them in this venture and wish Matt Mattus and his members the best in this endeavor. You can find them on Facebook.

Congratulations to Marilyn Lonergan on attaining her Accredited Judge’s credential. She completed the requirements in the minimum time by exhibiting and judging in many shows in which she also won many prizes.

To all of our CDS judges, it is 5 years for most of you since you re-took the Accredited Judge’s exam. In order for you to remain accredited you must comply with this 5 year rule to re-take it again. If you cannot be present at the March Meeting to comply with the requirement, you must get in touch with me to make other arrangements.


2016 CDS Meeting Dates:

March 13 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Exam

April 24 Root Sale, West Hartford, Set-up 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Sale Open to the Public

May 15 Thomaston Bank, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting

June 12 Thomaston Bank

July 10 Thomaston Bank

Aug. Annual Picnic, date & place to be decided

Aug. 27 CDS Dahlia Society 58th Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford

Sept. No Meeting, Show Month

Oct. 9 Thomaston Bank

Nov. 13 Thomaston Bank

Dec. Christmas Party, date & place to be decided

2016 Show Schedules:

Aug. 20 & 21 Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS

Aug. 27 CT Dahlia Society 58th Annual Show

Sep. 3 Southern Tier Dahlia Society

Sep. 3 & 4 Long Island Dahlia Society

Sep 10 & 11 Rhode Island Dahlia Society

Sept. 17 & 18 New England Dahlia Society, 1st Show, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston, MA

Sept. 24 & 25 Mid Island Dahlia Society

Oct. 1 & 2 Greenwich Dahlia Society

Provincetown MA Dahlia Society

Possible Meeting Cancellation Due to Weather:

If weather presents a hazardous driving situation, call Marge to find out the status of the

meeting. We will make that decision by 11:00 am.

Marilyn Longeran, Editor