Newsletter 10/15

The Connecticut Dahlia Society

October 2015 Newsletter

Meeting Date:   Sunday, October 11, 2015

Time:                  1:00 pm Root Cutting Demonstration & Storage

                            2:00 pm Business Meeting & October Bloom Contest

Place:                 Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Ave.



President’s Message:

It certainly has been a challenging summer with little rain.  However, our dahlias still performed well for us.  Our show turned out to be well attended by our visitors as well as some exhibitors from our sister societies.

The ADS Centennial Show marking the 100th year of the ADS was held at the Hostra University in Long Island and was hosted by the Mid-Island Dahlia Society.  They provided opportunities for out of state visitors with several interesting fun tours including a boat trip around Manhattan, as well as trips to the Trial Gardens and the Wolkoff Gardens of the Long Island Dahlia Society. It was also a chance to meet several commercial growers who are willing to share some of their growing secrets.  It truly was a lifetime memory.  The National Show presents Gold and Silver Medals to those who have shown great dedication to the Dahlia and their Societies.  It gives me great pleasure to share with you that Marge Schnerr was awarded the Silver Medal for all her years of educating others in various areas of growing the dahlia.  No one more than Marge is more deserving of the award.  Congratulations, Marge.  Fifteen of our members attended the National Show and several of them won awards for their entries.  As usual, CDS can be proud of our exhibiting.

This also brings me to our October meeting Best Bloom Contest.   Marge has explained the details of it later in this Newsletter. We will also have our root cutting demonstration and how to store and save our precious tubers.  It proves a rewarding class when you check your tubers toward the spring and see that your favorites survived through the cold of winter.  Please put it on your calendar to attend.  We can all learn at our educational programs, especially our new members interested in learning how to grow the most spectacular dahlias ever.

Donna Paternostro


October Bloom Competition:

One prize will be awarded for the best single bloom for each:  AA/A, B, BB/Ball and one prize, for the best 3 bloom entry in any of the other formations.  Also a special prize will be awarded to the best entry in the competition.

Future 2015 Meetings:

Nov. 8      Thomaston Bank

Dec.         Christmas Party, date & place to be decided at this October Meeting


Our 2015 Show Report is included with this Newsletter

Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to all who exhibited at our show.

Marge Schnerr, Editor