The Connecticut Dahlia Society
December 2015 Newsletter
Meeting Date: Sunday, December 6, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm, Holiday Party
Place: San Marino Restaurant, 111 Thomaston Avenue, Waterbury
Happy Thanksgiving, CDS members!
We thank Donna Paternostro for agreeing to serve an extra year this past year after her 2013 and 2014 terms as President were completed.
We are planning to have a quorum at the Holiday Party dinner on December 6th in order to vote in these new officers for 2016 & 2017:
President: Marjorie Schnerr
Editor: Marilyn Lonergan
Our current officers, Vice President & Show Chairman, Jesse Peterson, Secretary, Barbara LaRochelle and Treasurer, Sal Corio will remain in their current positions.
Please contact Marge by November 28th to make your reservations with your dinner selection. We hope you find some time to attend the party to have some holiday fun.
Dinner Choices for the Holiday Party:
Chicken Marsala $26
Stuffed Filet of Sole $28
Veal Parmigiana $30
Grilled New York Sirloin $36
These prices include tax and tip and CDS will pay for a portion of everyone’s dinner.
Reservations with dinner choices need to be made by November 29th to Marge by either phone or email. Sal will notify each attendee by email as to the actual cost of their dinner once all attendees are known and the individual CDS subsidy is calculated.
We look forward to having a good attendance at the dinner.
2016 CDS Meeting Dates:
Jan. 10 Thomaston Bank, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Feb. 14 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting, 2:00 Regular Meeting
Mar. 15 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm
Apr. 24 ROOT SALE, West Hartford, Set-up 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Open to the Public
May 17 Thomaston Bank, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Jun.14 Thomaston Bank
Jul. 12 Thomaston Bank
August Annual Picnic, date & place to be decided
August 27 CDS Dahlia Society 588h. Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford
September No Meeting, Show Month
October 9 Thomaston Bank
November 13 Thomaston Bank
December Holiday Party, date & place to be decided
2016 Show Schedules:
August 20 Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS
August 27 CT Dahlia Society 58th Annual Show
September 3 & 4 Long Island Dahlia Society
September 10 &11 Rhode Island Dahlia Society
As of this date we have not received confirmation of show dates for any of the other NADC societies.
Remember if you belong to the ADS, those dues should be sent in by January 1st.
Here is the 2016 Dues Renewal Form if you have not already renewed.
Marge Schnerr,