The Connecticut Dahlia Society
April 2017 Newsletter
Meeting Date: Sunday, April 30, 2017
Program: Annual Root Sale
Place: Pond House, Elizabeth Park, West Hartford
Time: 9:00 AM for Committee to set up
12:00 Noon Open for the Public
President’s Message:
The Root Sale is our only fund raiser for the year and we hope to make it a big success. We have already purchased many great varieties from commercial sources and we need to also rely on our members to donate their extra stock as well.
Our Editor will include here a list containing the names of our varieties that we have already purchased. We ask our members to let us know ahead of the sale if you have any varieties numbering 5 or more, to send these names to our Editor so that we can make sure that we will have a picture printed for these. We will also include these names of ones being donated, along with those that we have purchased, to send out in a new listing to members a few days before the sale by email. The public says that the pictures with the roots are very helpful for them to see what they are buying.
Now, it will be wise to go through your stock to sort out those roots that you will donate. If your roots do not show a visible eye, plan now to get them into some damp peat moss and put them in a warm place to encourage them to eye out. We need the name clearly labeled on the individual roots with at least one clearly visible eye. We also would like them delivered to the Pond House close to our 9:00 AM start. This will allow us to have an orderly start.
We look forward to seeing our members with any contributions that you may have for the sale.
Marge Schnerr
Meeting Dates for 2017:
May 21 Thomaston Bank
June 25 Thomaston Bank
July 16 Thomaston Bank
Aug 13 Thomaston Bank
Aug. 26 CDS Dahlia Society 59th Annual Show, Pond House, Hartford
Sept No Meeting, Show Month
Oct 8 Thomaston Bank
Nov 12 Thomaston Bank
Dec Christmas Party, date & place to
2017 NADC Show Schedules:
Aug. 19 North Jersey Dahlia Society
Aug. 19 & 20 Washington County Fair,
hosted by the RIDS
Aug. 26 CT Dahlia Society 59th
Annual Show
Sep 2 & 3 Long Island Dahlia Society
Sep 9 & 10 Rhode Island Dahlia Society
Sep 16 & 17 Mid Island Dahlia Society
Sept 23 & 24 Combined New England
Dahlia Society, Provincetown
Dahlia Society and 47th North
Atlantic Dahlia Conference Show, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston, MA
Sept. 30 No Shows scheduled
Oct. 7 & 8 Greenwich Dahlia Society
Oct. 14 & 15 Long Island Dahlia Society,
2nd. Show
Marilyn Lonergan, Editor