Newsletter 05/15

The Connecticut Dahlia Society

May 2015 Newsletter

Meeting Date:   Sunday, May 17, 2015

Time:                 1:00 pm Judges Training

                            2:00 pm Business Meeting

Place:                 Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Ave.



President’s Message:

Weather has allowed us to get our gardens ready for planting our precious dahlias.

Our Root Sale was very successful.  Since buying from commercial growers the past two years and our own member donations, we were able to offer a great selection to our members and the public.  We will be discussing more of the details on the Root Sale at our business meeting.

We will also be discussing a plan for our annual CDS Picnic and are looking for an offer of a location for it.  A Judge’s Review program will be planned for August and a date and location for it will also be decided.

Also the new method for propagation that Marge demonstrated at the March Meeting will be demonstrated as it has proved to be very successful.

Hopefully, some of our new members will join us at this meeting.  You will always learn something new about dahlias during our chit chat and our coffee and doughnuts.

Donna Paternostro

2015 CDS Meeting Dates:

Jun.14     Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judges Class 3

Jul. 12     Thomaston Bank

Aug.         Annual Picnic, date & place to be decided

Aug. 29    CDS Dahlia Society 57th.Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford

Sep          No Meeting, Show Month

Oct. 11    Thomaston Bank, October Bloom Competition

Nov. 8     Thomaston Bank

Dec.         Christmas Party, date & place to be decided


2015 Show Schedules:

Aug. 15         Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS

Aug . 22        New Jersey Dahlia Society

Aug. 29         57th CT Dahlia Society Show & 45th North Atlantic Dahlia Conference Show

Sep. 5           Southern Tier Dahlia Society

Sep. 5 & 6     Long Island Dahlia Society

Sep 12 &13   Rhode Island Dahlia Society

Sep 19 & 20  ADS 100th Anniversary Show by the Mid Island Dahlia Society at

                      Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, NY

                      Tours will be held on Sept. 17, 18 and 21

Sep 26 & 27  Provincetown MA Dahlia Society

Oct. 3 & 4      Greenwich Dahlia Society

Oct. 10 & 11  Long Island Dahlia Society, 2nd Show


Marge Schnerr, Editor