The Connecticut Dahlia Society
June 2015 Newsletter
Meeting Date: Sunday, June 14, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm Judges Training
2:00 pm Business Meeting
Place: Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Ave., Waterbury
President’s Message:
This May has been one of the driest months that we have had in many years and I hope that all of you have your roots planted by now. The many inches of rain that we received last Sunday through Tuesday will allow us to catch up on the deficit. That rain should be very helpful in getting our roots started and allow them to catch up on their slow start this year.
As to our Elizabeth Park Display Gardens, we are really in need of volunteers to help maintain it this year. We have lost some of our volunteers that we counted on for the past few years and any help that you will volunteer for, will be much appreciated. You will be rewarded when you work there as the park visitors always come by and tell us how much they like our gardens
Our Judge’s Training programs are a necessary addition to seeing that our society is dedicated to providing judges for our North Atlantic Dahlia Conference shows. Members who have not yet decided to work on learning to become a judge should consider this. Our third Program will be at 1:00 pm before our June Meeting and you are welcome to attend.
Our Picnic date is now set for Sunday, August 9th and it will be at a new location, at Steve Ruttkamp’s home in South Salem, NY. South Salem is a few miles over the border of CT in NY. We will also have a Judge’s Refresher Course at the Picnic and it will focus on the judging of the “open centered forms” using blooms that are staged as actual exhibits.
We look forward to seeing you at the June Meeting.
Donna Paternostro
Display Garden News:
The garden was planted this year on May 23rd. Prior to that, Sal Corio spent some time repairing the raised beds and getting the garden ready to plant. We placed 61 stakes into the garden as well in preparation for planting day. We plan to have a good variety of fully double plants but have cut back on open centered varieties this year.
This year we will be especially in need of additional volunteers to tend to the garden during the growing season. Regular tasks include watering, weeding inside and around the beds, tying and deadheading when the plants come into bloom. We like to have someone there each day so if you are able to volunteer please contact either Jesse or Marge. You can volunteer for one day a week or less if that frequency is too much.
The society receives many accolades from the public on the Display Garden and it has become one of the most popular areas of the park.
Jesse Peterson, Display Garden Coordinator
2015 CDS Meeting Dates:
Jul. 12 Thomaston Bank
Aug. 9 Annual Picnic & Judge’s Refresher, Steve Ruttkamp Residence, South Salem, NY
Aug. 29 CDS Dahlia Society 57th.Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford
Sep No Meeting, Show Month
Oct. 11 Thomaston Bank, October Bloom Competition
Nov. 8 Thomaston Bank
Dec. Christmas Party, date & place to be decided
2015 Show Schedules:
Aug. 15 Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS
Aug . 22 New Jersey Dahlia Society
Aug. 29 57th CT Dahlia Society Show & 45th North Atlantic Dahlia Conference Show
Sep. 5 Southern Tier Dahlia Society
Sep. 5 & 6 Long Island Dahlia Society
Sep 12 &13 Rhode Island Dahlia Society
Sep 19 & 20 ADS 100th Centennial Show by the Mid Island Dahlia Society at
Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, NY. Tours will be held
On Sept. 17, 18 and 21
Sep 26 & 27 Provincetown MA Dahlia Society
Oct. 3 & 4 Greenwich Dahlia Society
Oct. 10 & 11 Long Island Dahlia Society, 2nd Show
Marge Schnerr, Editor