The Connecticut Dahlia Society
February 2015 Newsletter
Meeting Date: Sunday, February 15, 2015
Time: 1:00 pm Judges Training Course, followed by The Propagating Program
2:00 pm Business Meeting
Place: Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Ave., Waterbury
President’s Message:
Hello Members:
Although the snow has been a challenge keeping many of us at home, it perhaps has allowed us to check on our tubers. It certainly makes us look forward to spring arriving soon.
Our long time exhibitor Steve Nowotarski from the Mid-Island Dahlia Society has passed away. He traveled to many of our shows and also to our sister society shows. He worked hard promoting the Dahlia. He will be missed.
Our meeting will prove to be very interesting. First we will have our Judges Training Course. Not only is it helpful to our judges, but also for us to learn what qualities are needed to grow our dahlias to the best of our ability. The second part of our educational program will be on Propagating. It is wonderful to see how you can make several plants from one tuber. It enables you to produce more of your favorite from only one tuber.
Also, at our regular meeting at 2:00 pm we will need to discuss our Root Sale. We definitely need to have some volunteers to help sort the tubers to their pictures. We need more of our member participation to help our events to be successful. .
Please take note of our meeting dates and show schedules so you can plan accordingly.
CDS will be hosting the NADC show this year. The challenge flower will soon be announced.
Hope to see you on the 15th.
Donna Paternostro
Possible Meeting Cancellation Due to Weather:
If weather presents a hazardous driving situation, call Marge to find out the status of the meeting. We will make that decision by 11:00 am.
Accredited Judges Classes:
Members who wish to become a new judge will be required to attend all of these 3 CDS classes and should contact Marge to let her know that you will attend. A home assignment
will be given to be completed before attending this meeting.
Starting at the February Meeting, Marge will begin a demonstration on beginning propagation of dahlias. This will be part of the Judging program at 1:00 pm. This will be continued at the March Meeting and also at the April Root Sale.
2015 CDS Meeting Dates:
Mar. 15 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Class 2 & Propagation
2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Apr. 26 Root Sale, West Hartford, Set-up 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Sale Open to the Public
May 17 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Class 3
2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Jun.14 Thomaston Bank
Jul. 12 Thomaston Bank
Aug. Annual Picnic, date & place to be decided
Aug. 29 CDS Dahlia Society 57th.Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford
Sep No Meeting, Show Month
Oct. 11 Thomaston Bank
Nov. 8 Thomaston Bank
Dec. Christmas Party, date & place to be decided
2015 Show Schedules:
Aug. 15 Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS
Aug . 22 New Jersey Dahlia Society
Aug. 29 CT Dahlia Society 57th Annual Show
Sep. 5 Southern Tier Dahlia Society
Sep. 5 & 6 Long Island Dahlia Society
Sep 12 &13 Rhode Island Dahlia Society
Sep 19 & 20 ADS 100th Anniversary Show by the Mid Island Dahlia Society at
Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, NY Tours will be held
On Sept. 17, 18 and 21
Sep 26 & 27 Provincetown MA Dahlia Society
Oct. 3 & 4 Greenwich Dahlia Society
Oct. 10 & 11 Long Island Dahlia Society, 2nd Show
Marge Schnerr, Editor