Newsletter 05/17

The Connecticut Dahlia Society

May 2017 Newsletter

Meeting Date: Sunday, May 21, 2017
Program: 1:00 pm “Growing a New Dahlia Garden”
for new members
2:00 pm Business Meeting
Place: Thomaston Bank
985 Watertown Avenue, Waterbury

President’s Message:

Our Root Sale in April was a huge success! My thanks go to our committee who worked hard to make it a success: our officers, Jesse Peterson, Sal Corio, Marilyn Lonergan and Barbara LaRochelle. Also, Trish and Chuck Gimbrone, Nick Paternostro, Melanie Dumont and Joe Jasonis.

A total of 15 new members joined our society at the Root Sale and we invite them to participate in this program to start growing some great blooms with us. We are going to cover garden preparation, fertilizing, staking and planting. We will also cover pesticide spraying, pest control and the care for the growing plants. During the growing season, we will provide further information on the care of your plants, on topping out the plants, tying the plants, disbudding and preparing your plants for producing “show blooms.”

We will also have a discussion on dahlia classification so that you may get an introduction into the 20 different formations of dahlias.

We look forward to meeting many of our new members at this meeting.

Marge Schnerr

Any roots left over from the root sale will be offered for sale at the May meeting.

Meeting Dates for 2017:

June 25 Thomaston Bank
July 16 Thomaston Bank
Aug 13 Thomaston Bank
Aug. 26 CDS Dahlia Society 59th Annual
Show, Pond House, Hartford
Sept No Meeting, Show Month
Oct 8 Thomaston Bank
Nov 12 Thomaston Bank
Dec Christmas Party, date & place to

2017 NADC Show Schedules:

Aug. 19 North Jersey Dahlia Society
Aug. 19 & 20 Washington County Fair,
hosted by the RIDS
Aug. 26 CT Dahlia Society 59th
Annual Show
Sep 2 & 3 Long Island Dahlia Society
Sep 9 & 10 Rhode Island Dahlia Society
Sep 16 & 17 Mid Island Dahlia Society
Sept 23 & 24 Combined New England
Dahlia Society, Provincetown
Dahlia Society and 47th North
Atlantic Dahlia Conference Show, Tower Hill Botanic Garden, Boylston, MA
Sept. 30 No Shows scheduled
Oct. 7 & 8 Greenwich Dahlia Society
Oct. 14 & 15 Long Island Dahlia Society,
2nd. Show

Marilyn Lonergan, Editor