Newsletter 01/15


The Connecticut Dahlia Society                                        

January 2015 Newsletter


Meeting Date:   Sunday, January 11, 2015

Time:    1:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting, this is open to any interested members

                2:00 pm Business Meeting

Place:    Thomaston Savings Bank, 985 Watertown Ave. , Waterbury             


President’s Message:

Happy New Year!

The year 2015 should  prove to be a very exciting year for exhibiting as many new varieties have been introduced and competition will be gearing up for the 2015 ADS Centennial Show to be held on Long Island in mid September. National shows are always special and this one will have judges and exhibitors traveling from all over the US. You should begin now to plan on attending.

As you know Marge and Marilyn traveled to the ADS National show in Tacoma Washington this past year and they had a great time and brought back many pictures of the show and garden’s of many of the commercial growers and the Trial Gardens in that area.

We look forward to having many of our newer growers exhibiting at our show this year. We especially look for them to get involved helping out at our show in clerking and in the set up and the breakdown of the show.

As we eagerly await the 2015 ADS Classification and Handbook we certainly can research the new varieties that will be available by checking the ADS website:  There the results of the Trial Gardens and the Bench judging can be seen and these may give you an idea for what you may like to try in the way of new introductions for 2015.

Our educational programs will continue this year with training for prospective new judges and also a course on propagation that will start in February and continue through till April. Those members who are interested can try this aspect of dahlias that will show them how to take cuttings and produce plants that will enable them to increase the yield from their roots.

Donna Paternostro

Possible Meeting Cancellation Due to Weather:

If weather presents a hazardous driving situation, call Marge to find out the status of the meeting. We will make that decision by 11:00 am.


Accredited Judges Classes:

These classes will be held if we have enough members who wish to fulfill the requirements. Members who wish to become a new judge will be required to attend all of these 3 CDS classes and who should contact Marge to let her know that you will attend.



Starting at the February Meeting, Marge will begin a demonstration on beginning propagation of dahlias. This will be part of the Judging program at 1:00 pm. This will be continued at the March Meeting and also at the April Root Sale.


2015 CDS Meeting Dates:

2015 Meeting Dates:

(All Meetings are at the Thomaston Bank unless otherwise noted). The programs for new members are open to any members who are interested.

Jan. 11 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Feb. 15 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Class, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Mar. 15 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Class, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Apr. 26 Root Sale, West Hartford, Set-up 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon Sale Open to the Public
May 17 Thomaston Bank, 1:00 pm Accredited Judge’s Class, 2:00 pm Regular Meeting
Jun.14 Thomaston Bank
Jul. 12 Thomaston Bank
Aug. Annual Picnic, date & place to be decided
Aug. 29 CDS Dahlia Society 57th. Annual Show, Pond House, West Hartford
Sep No Meeting, Show Month
Oct. 11 Thomaston Bank
Nov. 8 Thomaston Bank
Dec. Christmas Party, date & place to be decided


2015 Show Schedules:

Aug. 15         Washington County Fair, hosted by the RIDS

Aug . 22        New Jersey Dahlia Society

Aug. 29         CT Dahlia Society 57th Annual Show

Sep. 5           Southern Tier Dahlia Society

Sep. 5 & 6     Long Island Dahlia Society

Sep 12 &13   Rhode Island Dahlia Society

Sep 19 & 20  ADS 100th Anniversary Show by the Mid Island Dahlia Society at

                      Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, NY Tours will be held

                      On Sept. 17, 18 and 21

Sep 26 & 27  Provincetown MA Dahlia Society

Oct. 3 & 4      Greenwich Dahlia Society

Oct. 10 & 11  Long Island Dahlia Society, 2nd Show


Marge Schnerr,
